School Music Development Plans

The Power of Music to Change Lives: A National Plan for Music Education (NPME) was published in June 2022 and Hubs are required to deliver against this plan from September 2023. NPME2 builds on the original 2011 plan ‘responding to the change of the past 11 years and recognising that more needs to be done to support teachers, leaders, schools, trusts and Hubs to deliver the best for children and young people’. There is clear recognition of the importance of schools in providing music opportunities in and out of the classroom, identifying the following common features that the DfE expects to see offered in every school:

  • Timetabled curriculum of at least one hour each week of the school year for key stages 1-3
  • Access to lessons across a range of instruments and voice
  • A school choir and/or vocal ensemble
  • A school ensemble/band/group
  • Space for rehearsals and individual practice
  • A termly school performance
  • Opportunities to enjoy a live music performance at least once a year

NPME2 states ‘In partnership with their Music Hub, we would like every school (including Multi Academy Trusts) to have a Music Development Plan that captures their curricular and co-curricular offer and sets out how it will be staffed and funded’ (DfE, 2022). This should be produced in a form that works for you and, where relevant, should also inform a wider plan for the cluster, federation or MAT. To support you, Devon Music Education Hub have developed the following self-evaluation tool and recommend that you use this to inform your Music Development Plan.

Self-evaluation toolApply for MEG funding