Funding opportunities

Music Education Grant (MEG) funding for schools

As part of our core offer, ALL local authority maintained schools and academies in Torbay and Devon can apply for delegated Music Education Grant (MEG) funding. In 2024-25, eligible schools will receive £400, which is intended to support delivery of the current National Plan for Music Education, particularly Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET).

In order to qualify for Music Education Grant (MEG) funding, your school will need to…

  1. Use our School Music Development Plan self-evaluation tool to make a judgement based on current provision and share this with the Hub.
  2. Complete the Music Education Grant (MEG) funding online application form, which includes a basic data submission for each school – we have worked very hard to ensure that this is not an onerous process.

Please note that collecting this data is important and forms part of our statutory reporting to DfE/Arts Council England – we are required to pass on details of schools that fail to comply.

Self-evaluation toolApply for MEG funding

Instrumental and vocal tuition bursaries for secondary school students

A fixed budget will be set aside each year to subsidise instrumental and vocal tuition for secondary school students in Devon and Torbay. All maintained, academy, free schools and special schools with secondary phase students are eligible to receive this funding.

The amount that each school will receive will be a pro rata allocation calculated on the number of secondary phase students on role who were eligible for free school meals the previous academic year. The head of music or headteacher can use their own discretion on which students are subsidised and by how much. Generally this would be for students eligible for free school meals, however this does not always have to be the case, for example a particularly talented student, not eligible for FSM, for whom instrumental or vocal lessons would have a significant impact in their future but financial means are a barrier.

The school must make a return to the Hub at the end of each academic year showing:

  • the individual students who were subsidised (anonymised by listing as a number or a letter)
  • the instrument learnt
  • total cost of lessons
  • amount of subsidy
  • name of Visiting Music Teacher (VMT) who delivered the lessons

Your local Music Development Lead may quality assure the process through a brief visit or conversation during the academic year.

The overall impact and effectiveness of the scheme will be assessed over a three-year period. This assessment will include a yearly comparison, including pre-pandemic years, based on the proportion of students on role receiving instrumental or vocal tuition and the proportion of those students who are of lower economic means.

Applications are made by half term for that term’s tuition.

Apply for the Bursary Scheme